Thursday 18 September 2014




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Lecture in Natural Science
PTM B.Ed College

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Natural Science
Reg.No: 13377007
PTM B.Ed College

                       Education Technology has the potential to provide equal opportunities in several ways. According to means and olson access to educational technology at school can give students from low income homes , where there is little or no access to technology, “a needed edge to compete with children from more affluent homes where technology is common place in other words we can say that guaranteeing access for all classrooms to affordable educational technology in order to achieve curricular goals makes it possible to begin to address the inequities that exist among schools. Grabe and grabe note that technology in the form of telecommunications allow access to people access to interactive services through online discussion groups, interactive conference and interactive tutorials and access to files through online databases, library holdings texts and graphic files on the internet.
1.      To understand concept of instructional resource centre.
2.      To design the components of instructional resources centre
3.      To list out necessary equipment and accessories of an instructional resource centre.
Theoretical Overview
Satellite  Instructional Television Experiment (SITE)
The Satellite instructional Television Experiment or SITE was an experimental Satellites communications project launched in India in 1975 by National aeronautics and space administration (NASA), USA and ISRO. SITE made available informational Television to rural India by various international agencies such as UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, ITU. It plays a major role in helping develop India’s own Satellite Programe, INSAT. The programmes under the SITE  were classified into 2 categories
a)           Educational Television (ETV)
b)           Instructional Television (ITV)
ETV programs mainly focused on School Children in the age group of 5-12 years. It makes the education more interesting creative purposive and stimulating  and also create awareness in the changing society. ITV is mainly for adult Audience and cover incidents of national importance improved practices in agriculture, health, hygiene, family planning, Nutritions etc and some recreation programme.
The programmes were Telecaste for 4 hours each day in two transmitions. The programmes were produced after categorizing the target audience in to 4 groups. Such as Hindi, Oria, Telugu and Kannada. The SITE was operated for one fall year from August 1975 July 1976 and covered six states.
Objectives of SITE
1.      Gain experience in the development, testing and management of Satallite based instructional TV system particularly in rural areas.
2.      Demonstrate the potential value of satellite technology in the rapid development of effective communication in the developing countries
3.      Democrate the value of Satallite broadcaste TV in the practical instruction of village inhabitants
4.      Stimulate national development in India with monogerial economics technological Social implication
SITE was more effective than all other media. It was more attractive to female audience.
Gyan-Darsan Educational Channel
Gyan-Darsan is launched by ministry of Human resource development, information and broadcasting, Prasar Bharti and Igno in 26th January 2000 as the exclusive educational daily test transmission channel for students of open and conventional Universities. The time was further increase due to good response up to 19 hours within 1 year it became non-stop daily 24 hours transmission channel for educational programmes. The programme constitute 23 hours indigenous programmes and 1 hour foreign programmes. Curriculam based and enrichment programmes telecasted for 24 hours. And 4 hours for 1 GNO CIET-NCERT , 3 hours for IIT 2 and half hours for CEC-UGC and 1 hour each for TTTI and adult education. It has been used extensively in conventional and distant education format.
EDUSAT (Education Satellite)
                             Edusat was launched by Indian space research Organization on 20th September 204. It is a path-breaking effort in the concept of tele education. The main purpose of this is to provide education to all people primarly children from remot areas of the country who can not go to schools or colleges. The claude would be conducted by (varioue stte education board) NCERT, CBSE, Universities etc. in a studio environment using powerpoint presentation as well as the common blackboard. It is having interactive as well as non-interactive sessions offered.
Objectives of EDUSAT
1.      Ensure availability of quality content online and through variety of access devices in schools.
2.      Promote a shift from current passive learning to active learning.
3.      Inservice and recurrent training of School teachers continues upgradion of their knowledge and skills.
4.      Enrich the curriculum and pedagogic by employing all the technologies available including virtual class room, video on demand.
Advantages of EDUSAT
1)     Provide access to some of the best teachers and teaching process for a large target group of learners. This will enhance quality of education.
2)     The studio environment eliminating the  needs of a large number of competent, qualified teachers.
3)     The student can ask questions to the teachers through sms, e-mail or other mode of communication.
4)     The CD of classes could be available on the net without the interaction section.
   CES (Consortium for Educational Communication)
The consortium for educational communication popularly known as CEC is one of the inter University centres setup by the University Grants Commission of India. It has been established with the goal of addressing the needs of Higher education through the use of powerful medium of Television along with the appropriate use of emerging information communication Technology(ICT). Realizing the potential and power of Television to act as means of educational knowledge dissemination UGC started the country wide classroom programmes in the year 1984. For production of such programmes media senders were setup at 6 Universities. Subsequently CEC emerged in 1993 as a nodal agency to co ordinate , guide and facilitate such educational production at the national level. Today 22 media centers are working towards achieving this goal under the umbrella of CEC.
   UGC (University Grants Commission)
The UGC was formed in 1946 to  oversee   the work of 3 central Universities of Aligarh , Banaras and Delhi. In 1947 the committee was entrusted with the responsibility of dealing with all the existing Universities. UGC was formally inaugurated by Abdul Kalam Azad, the minister of Education. The motto of UGC is “Gyan-Vigyan Vimutaye”.
   SIET (State Institute of Education Technology)
SIET in Kerala, the state institute of educational technology is responsible for the planning,  research production and evaluation of educational software like video, audio programmes and computer multimedia.  SIET Kerala also aims to implement scheme to generate teaching technology and process in the modern context. SIET Kerala is the latest in the array of 7 SIET’s in the country. Department of Education , ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India sanctioned the state institute of  educational technology for  Kerala in 1998.

   AVRC (Audio Visual Resource Centre)
      The Audio-Visual Resource centre for the school for studies in art and culture (SSAC) in the faculty of arts and social sciences (FASS) at Carleton university (CU) in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  The AVRC serves the combined faculties of Art, History ,Music and Film at CU.
The audio-visual resource centre provides the following services.
·        Circulation of reserve material for courses at the second-year level and above students may consult these materials on two-hour loan arrangement.
·        Online searching of the school’s teaching and reference collections, including a digital image collection.  Requests for items or patron accounts may be made in person or via email avrc
·        Assistance in locating analogue or digital material or in creating presentations or rescreening a film-we’re here to help.
 C-DIT ( Centre for development of imaging Technology)
            C-Dit is a unique institution with diverse skill sets and achievements in the areas of information and communication Technologies and their applications.  Founded in December 1988 as an offshoot of Kerala state film development corporation, C-Dit started its operations with two projects founded by the government of India-one in the field of research and development in film and electronics technology and another in the area of science and development communication using video.
            Akshaya is a ICT project by the Kerala state information Technology mission (KSITM) To bridge the digital divide and to bring the benefits of ICT to the inter population.  In the initial phase it the focus was placed on educating one person in each family to be e-literate.  Malappuram a backward district Kerala was selected for piloting e-literacy.  Now akshya is emerged as one of the finest common service centre networks in the nation.
IT@ school
            It @school is a project of department of general education.  Government of Kerala, setup in 2001, to foster the IT education in school and which on a longer term would facilitate ICT enabled education in the state.  The project is now been implemented from5th to 12 th standards in the state covering as many as 8000 schools.  An estimated 50 lakhs students and 2 lakhs teachers are now part of this project who have benefited from ICT enabled education.  Today the project is one the verge of completing its 10 th year of operation and it has a strong network of 160 mater trainers  and 5600 school IT co-coordinators’ statewide, who are school teachers themselves.  The project functions on free software platform since it provides the freedom to an individual to study, copy, modify and re-distribute any content, a process which would ultimately benefit the whole society.
            12 hours educational channel for school education was officially inaugurated by Hon. Cheif Minister of Kerala Sri. V.S. Achuthananthan on 3rd August 2006.  The channel is unique in the sense that it caters to students and teachers on a need based manner.  The programmes are aired on demand, sensitive to school curriculum and even time-table.
            The ISRO has augmented the unlinking station in time for another channel a non interactive one. The technology deployed is similar to the direct to home (DTH) technology used in other T V channels.  Education videos, as per the Kerala syllabus and curriculm, are primarily aired during school timings.

            The ultimate goal of any plan for educational technology should reflect two intentions, equitable access to technology for all students and educators and comparable levels of educational technology for all schools.  In setting up on educational technology resources centre tree aspects have to be addressed.  Determination of the equipment required hardware and software, securing require founds so as to cover initial costs such as maintenance and technical assistance providing professional development for educators.  So that technology is utilized and implemented meaningfully.  Thus Technology can become the force that equalizes educational opportunities of all children regardless of location and social and economical factors.
Ø  Educational Technology (Vanaja.M)
Ø  Fundamental aspects of educational Technology (Yogendra. K. Sharma)
Ø  WWW.Educational .Com

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